wildlife and hunting in sudan - Visit Sudan

Sudan is one of the first African countries to Balhzaúr focused on natural reserves pursued this since 1930 and there are currently 6 sheds covering an area of ​​60 370 square kilometers and 19 fishing area of ​​35,000 square kilometers that any protected vitelline space of 100,000 square kilometers campaign.
Sudan Bmessahath vast desert of the north to the south and rich savannah punctuated by dense tropical forest areas in the far south western mountain ranges, different shelters a variety of wild animals and provides a particular deer, which reflects the diversity of natural environments variation. Certain species of deer lies stationed in a special natural environments, and the other does not adhere to a private environment, but roam across distances from one area to another depending on the seasons.

In practice, there are also certain areas located by wild animals Atezr achieved during the year or periods of it. How To Nile flooded during the period of rapid flooding or marshy areas in the south, and we find that certain factions of these places may chose to lend themselves to reproduction system with many numbers and reproduction, as these places are considered appropriate and safe refuge from humans.

More likely to be Sudan is the only country in the world, which includes the largest variety of large mammals that live on the planet, and Sudan, Qatar sprawling and covered in terms of area the largest patch in the African regions and has the largest wealth huge being able to secure the animal protein for the population and make it able to be achieves an important physically returning from the diversity of wild animals and natural resources, especially its uniqueness profusely certain factions. And through tourism and enjoy watching and sport fishing.

Sudan and one of the first countries which inherited the identified natural reserves and areas reserved sites since the year 1930

Where the South is full of the most important South Balhzaúr national tourist village barn and a sycamore tree and barn South Nimule and other multi-barns.

Sudan has about eight hangars Wildlife Among the most famous of these reserves:

Dindir protected

It is considered one of the greatest reserves in Africa in terms of the potential of various animals and birds and their habitats of plant and soil water and natural resources, have been announced in the reserve in 1935. And the percentage of fame frequently multiple types of fishing has become a magnet for tourists and fishermen.

Protected and located in the south-east of the state of Sennar, where borders interfere with the mandate of the Blue Nile, Gedaref, and is considered the closest protected national capital, where, about 300 miles east of Khartoum square making it easily accessible by road.

Fishing seasons and areas in Sudan:

Sudan has a contrast range of climate and environmental and clearly evident in the presence of a great wealth of animal and bird species and stationed best fishing areas in Sudan in three areas:

Red Sea area and the mountains of Nubian Desert:
Region stretching between the mountains of the Red Sea along the coast of Eritrea series Hnuba limits to the north of the Republic of Egypt and the intervention in the territory located between the Red Sea and the Nile River band, Pet mountain goats and deer Eritrean most distinguished and presence in this region are considered. In addition to the presence of other types of animals such as Abontat, deer and monkey Aryan transport.
Fishing period in this region of the month of October to the month for November of each year.

Western Sahara:
This area is located north-west of Sudan
And characterized by different types of animals
Wild ones or Kidjo, ram Mai and Rail and deer habit, or a gazelle, Abouhrab has been available in this area earlier, but he became a semi-rare.

South Sudan:
Currently parked fishing trips and is not possible.
Types and locations and bird hunting seasons in neighboring Sudan:

Menkqh best for duck hunting lies to the west of the White Nile state, 420 km from the state of Khartoum. Duck hunting season Eetmtd from October until April of each year.

This kind of birds exist in abundance in the states of: North, Kassala, Nile, Blue Nile, North and South Darfur, North and South Kordofan. Hunting season runs from the month of October to January of each year.

This kind of birds exist throughout the days of the year, and wherever they are located in the states of: North, Kassala, the Nile, the Blue Alltel, North and South Darfur, North and South Kordofan and all the states of the southern province.

Located in the states of Khartoum, White Nile and the Nile. Hunting season runs from November to February and from the public

Alsaúdon professionals:

Safari companies that organize fishing in Sudan puts its expertise and means and equipment in the fishing enthusiasts service so that they can get as much of the fun of fishing. And includes a number of fishermen affluent experience extends some of them to 20 years, and they are ready to put the long experience and high competence in service and fishing enthusiasts to make their trips more enjoyable and successful.

Cities that the primitive ones safari companies:

Start fishing trips to safari companies back and forth from the following cities:

1. Safari deer from the city of Khartoum

2. Red Sea Safari and the Nubian Desert of the city of Port Sudan.

3. Safari Western Sahara from the city of El Fasher.

4. Safari southern Sudan city of Juba.

5. Safari hunting ducks from the city of Khartoum.

Showed surveillance operations conducted by the associations to protect wildlife, the peace situation that loosen shadows since 2005 on the southern Sudan region after decades of conflict, leading to the return of rare wild animals that had been abandoned that region, especially elephants, hippos and herds of rhinos.

The emergence of a herd of hippos were recorded in "Nimola" protected on the Ugandan border, with an estimated protect parks and bush elements in the region and there are more than seven thousand Phil and 1500 giraffe and a herd of antelopes African comprises more than 500 head, a species was thought to be extinct entirely from Sudan.

In addition to those herds, returned the region to serve as a habitat for dozens of black and tigers and deer, and some types of non-existent in other places around the world, according to the Associated Press.

The association "wildlife conservation," a US organization, has recently conducted a survey in detail in the region, likely beyond the existence of more than 1.3 million Ghazal in southern Sudan, which was for a long time been the scene of one of the bloodiest and longest civil conflicts in Africa, which killed more than two million people.

In this context, did not hide Lt. Col. Charles Joseph, a wildlife protection official in Opicula island located in the middle of the Nile River Reserve, his joy for the return of the animals, especially after residents of the area thought that these creatures may have migrated forever.

Joseph showed the degree of interdependence between the traditional life of the population of southern Sudan and among those animals, saying: "For as long as there were elephants and hyenas and other wild animals .. has coexisted with a long time ago."

And tied southern Sudan area almost the size of France, and a population of more than eight million people, allowing wildlife spans freely in the forests and jungles of the region and the vast grassy plains.

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